Panellists announced for Fuels for the Future webinar

The expert panel for the Fuels for the Future webinar have been confirmed. With 5 panellists from industry and academia we expect an interesting and informative discussion to take place!

The webinar will focus on Hydrogen and Electricity as alternative fuels/power for road and sea freight. Key themes include production, application, regulation, safety, synergies, infrastructure and investment. The aim is to enable a collaborative discussion around the future fuels for freight in the UK.

The event is free to join, you can register here.


Professor David Cebon

Director of the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight and the Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium.





Dr Molly Haugen

Research Associate in the Energy division within the Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge.






Professor Susan Krumdieck

Professor of Energy Transition Engineering at Heriot Watt University and Co-Chair, Global Association for Transition Engineering.





Dr Carlo Raucci

Marine Decarbonisation Consultant at Lloyd’s Register.





Dr James Walker

Hydrogen Development Manager, European Marine Energy Centre.