Mobilising Investment for Decarbonising UK Freight Transport
Thursday 9th February 2023, 10:00 – 17:00
Southampton Harbour Hotel (pictured above)
Join us on 9th February for discussions and to co-create the solutions to enable greater investment in freight transport decarbonisation.
This event will consist of panel-led and group work sessions. The agenda and speakers/panellists can be found below:
09.30 Registration – Teas and coffees available on arrival
10.00 Opening remarks:
Dr Tristan Smith (UCL) – Introduction and aims of the day
Fran Collins (Red Funnel Group) – Keynote address
10.20 Session 1: State of the art on transition pathways for road and maritime
Panel members: Prof. Phil Greening (Heriot Watt University), Dr Tristan
Smith (UCL), Marina Grayfolou (TRL), Prof. Dominic Hudson (Southampton
11.15 Session 2: A whole systems approach – coupling vehicle and infrastructure
technology with UK logistics
Panel members: Prof. Tom Cherrett (Southampton University), Julian Worth
(CILT), Chris Parker (DFDS), Prof. Phil Greening (Heriot Watt University)
12.45 Lunch
13.30 Session 3: Ports as decarbonisation hubs and other areas ripe for
Panel members: Dr Domagoj Baresic (UCL), Deniz Aymer (MCL), Keith
Johnstone (UK MCA), Dr Stavros Karamperidis (Plymouth University)
15.00 Break – Teas and coffees available
15.30 Session 4: Co-creating the solutions – roadmap for unlocking investment
in freight transport decarbonisation
Panel members: Dr Jonathan Köhler (Fraunhofer Institute), Brian Robinson
(Zemo Partnership previously Low carbon vehicle partnership), Ian
Wainwright (Solent & CILT), Dr Nishatabbas Rehmatulla (UCL), Prof. Graham
Parkhurst (UWE Bristol), Dr Daniella Paddeu (UWE Bristol)
17.00 Closing remarks:
Dr Isabella Panovic (UKRI)
Chris Thorne (DUKFT chair)
This event will also be a celebration of the hard work of everyone who has contributed to the Decarbonising UK Freight Transport Network over the last 3+ years.